Why purchase a cover?
An often asked question is “why purchase a cover for a chimenea?” Here you can read an explanation as to why it is a big benefit. The covers sold on our site are very useful for ensuring the longevity and durability of the clay chimeneas. The winter coats are more useful for protecting against the frost as well as rain. Clay chimeneas can be affected by heavy rainfall and frost in different manners that potentially can cause structural damage. Should rainwater get soaked into the clay, cracks can begin to appear which can widen if more water
gets within. Moreover, one of the lesser reasons to ensure a chimenea has a suitable cover, is to ensure the inside of the chimenea is not wet or damp. If the inside of the belly is wet or damp it is harder to start a fire. On the other hand the winter covers help insulate chimeneas, preventing frost damage. Frost damage can make cracks appear as well as shearing off the top layer of clay, if left exposed for too long. The winter covers offered on this site are
waterproof, so give added protection in worse weather. These covers have a drawstring, so the covers stay on even if its windy. They are easy to put on and take off. Furthermore, to purchase a cover for a chimenea can only be advantageous, especially if you are looking to have a chimenea to use for many years. Finally see the range of covers we offer, to help protect your chimenea. https://chimeneasmexico.co.uk/product-category/accessories/covers/