Want to contact us about anything? See the links to see if your query can be answered. If it is not please use the contact details on the left or fill out the form on the right. We usually reply within one working day.

Links to pages

If you are waiting for an order to arrive; please read our delivery information page to see if it still falls with the time frame provided. Deliveries usually take up to 2 working days to happen, excluding national holidays and weekends. Moreover this page shows any additional fees that may apply to certain locations.

Should you want to change an order, please read our cancellations, claims and returns page since you may find the answer there. It will also help us solve your issue quickly, as there are details we need. Any cancellations that are wanted need to be sent to us quickly since we have to contact the courier.

If you want to know more about the products, have a look at our FaQ page to see if your question is answered. 

Want to know the when products are due back in stock, have a look at our restock date page.

Roxanne Trading Limited Unit7/8 Kidderminster DY11 9BB

07936 961253

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